David DiLillo, Ph.D.

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David DiLillo, Ph.D.

Chairperson Psychology University of Nebraska-Lincoln


BURN 216
Lincoln NE 68588-0308
402-472-3297 On-campus 2-3297

About Dr. DiLillo

I received a B.A. in history from Rhodes College (1989) a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology at the University of Kentucky (1991), and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Oklahoma State University (1997). Following internship at the University of Tennessee Professional Psychology Internship Consortium, I worked as a Research Assistant Professor coordinating a NIH grant (Lizette Peterson, PI) at the University of Missouri-Columbia, Department of Psychological Sciences. I joined the Department of Psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the fall of 2000, where I am currently Willa Cather Professor and Department Chair.

(* denotes current or former graduate student collaborator)

2023 and in press

*Brockdorf, A. N., *Eagan, S. R., *Zosky, J. E., *Grandgenett, H. M., Gervais, S. J., & DiLillo, D. (in press). Associations between sexual objectification and bystander efficacy: The mediating role of barriers to bystander intervention. Violence and Victims. DOI: 10.1891/VV-2021-0168

*Brockdorf, A. N., Gratz, K. L., Messman, T. L., & DiLillo, D. (2023). Trauma symptoms and deliberate self-harm among sexual violence survivors: Examining state emotion regulation and reactivity as dual mechanisms. Psychology of Violence, 13(1), 23–33. 

*Brockdorf, A. N., Holland, K. J., *Kumar, S. A., Jaffe, A. E., & DiLillo, D. (2023). Alcohol use before sexual violence and cognitive appraisals: Differential associations with barriers to help-seeking. Violence Against Women, 29(5), 777-799 doi: 10.1177/10778012221097144.

DiLillo, D., Gervais, S. J., & McChargue, D. (2023). Alcohol and Sexual Violence. New York, NY: Springer.

*Haws, J. K., *Brockdorf, A. N., Gratz, K. L., Messman, T. L., Tull, M. T., & DiLillo, D. (in press). Examining the associations between PTSD symptoms and aspects of emotion dysregulation through network analysis. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 86, 102536.

Jaffe, A. E., *Brockdorf, A. N., Messman, T. L. Gratz, K. L., & DiLillo, D. (2023). Is the Risk for Sexual Revictimization Cumulative? A Prospective Examination. Women’s Health Issues, 38(2), 208-214.

*Laifer, L. M., O’Hara, M. W., DiLillo, D., & Brock, R. L. (2023). Risk for trauma-related distress following difficult childbirth: Trajectories of traumatic intrusions across 2 years postpartum. Archives of Women’s Mental Health. Advance online publication. 35, 1036-1050. DOI: 10.1017/S0954579421000894DOI: 10.1007/s00737-023-01296-2

*Steel, A. L., *Grandgenett, H. M., & DiLillo, D. (2023). Helping a friend: The impact of victim alcohol intoxication and perpetrator social status on bystander behaviors and responses to assault disclosure. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 15(6), 988–999. https://doi.org/10.1037/tra0001180

Watkins, L. E., Patton, S., & DiLillo. D. (2023). A Laboratory Test of Alcohol-Related Intimate Partner Aggression: Expectancies Are Not to Blame. Substance Use and Misuse, 58(2), 1-7. DOI:10.1080/10826084.2023.2188422.


*Brockdorf, A. N., *Haws, J. K., Brock, R. L., Gratz, K. L., Messman, T. L., & DiLillo, D. (2022). Drinking to cope as a mechanism between sleep problems and heavy episodic drinking among trauma survivors. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 36(4), 387-396. 

*Eshelman, L. R., *McConnell, A. A., Messman, T. L., Dykstra, R., DiLillo, D., & Gratz, K. L. (2022). The impact of probable PTSD on trait and state emotional responding among survivors of lifetime sexual violence. Psychology of Violence, 12(3), 127–136.

*Franz, M. R., *Kumar, S. A., Brock, R. L., Calvi, J. L., & DiLillo, D. (2022). Parenting behaviors of mothers with posttraumatic stress: The roles of cortisol reactivity and negative emotion. Journal of Family Psychology, 36(1), 130–139.

*Kumar, S. A., *Brockdorf, A. N., Jaffe, A. E., *Church, H. R., Messman, T. L., & DiLillo, D. (2022). Mindful awareness promotes resilience: Buffered links among childhood sexual abuse severity, goal-directed emotion dysregulation, and psychopathology. Mindfulness, 13(4), 993–1006. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-022-01854-2

*Kumar, S. A., *Edwards, M. E., *Grandgenett, H. M., Scherer, L. L., DiLillo, D., & *Jaffe, A. E. (2022). Does gratitude promote resilience during a pandemic? An examination of mental health and positivity at the onset of COVID-19. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23, 3463–3483. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-022-00554-x

*Kumar, S., Franz, M., DiLillo, D., & Brock, R. L. (2022). Promoting resilience to depression among couples during pregnancy: The protective functions of intimate relationship satisfaction and self-compassion. Family Process, 62, 387-405. doi: 10.1111/famp.12788

*Kumar, S. A., *Hein, C. L., DiLillo, D., & Pietrzak, R. H. (2022). Resilience to Suicidal Ideation among U.S. Military Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress: Results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study. Military Behavioral Health, 10, 328-337, DOI: 10.1080/21635781.2021.2015019

*Kumar, S. A., Brock, R. L., & DiLillo, D. (2022). Partner support and connection protect couples during pregnancy: A daily diary investigation. Journal of Marriage and Family, 84(2), 494– 514. https://doi-org.libproxy.unl.edu/10.1111/jomf.12798

Otto, E. A., *Kumar, S. A., & DiLillo, D. (2022). Music’s impact on the sexualization of Black bodies: Examining links between hip-hop and sexualization of Black women. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 27(2), 145-153.

*Steel, A. E., *Grandgenett, H. M, Brock, R. L., & DiLillo, D. (2022). Responding to disclosure of sexual assault: The potential impact of victimization history and rape myth acceptance. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(5-6) 2102–2125.

Watkins, L. E., Benedicto, R. C., *Brockdorf, A., & DiLillo, D. (2022). Physical and sexual intimate partner aggression among college students: Examining the roles of cyber intimate partner aggression and alcohol use. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 37, 387–403.


*Franz, M. R., Brock, R. L., & DiLillo, D. (2020). Trauma symptoms contribute to daily experiential avoidance: Does partner support mitigate risk? Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38, 322-341.

Jaffe, A. E., Cero, I., & DiLillo, D. (2021). The #MeToo movement and perceptions of sexual assault: College students’ recognition of sexual assault experiences over time. Psychology of Violence, 11(2), 209–218. 

Jaffe, A. E., *Steel, A. L., DiLillo, D., Messman-Moore, T. L., & Gratz, K. L. (2021). Characterizing sexual violence in intimate relationships: An examination of blame attributions and rape acknowledgment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(1-2), 469–490. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260517726972

Jaffe, A. E., *Kumar, S. A., Ramirez, J. J., & DiLillo, D. (2021). Is the COVID-19 pandemic a high-risk period for college student alcohol use? A comparison of three spring semesters. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 45, 854-863.

*Kumar, S. A., Brock, R. L., & DiLillo, D. (2021). Partner support and connection protect couples during pregnancy: A daily diary investigation. Journal of Marriage and Family, 1– 21.

*Kumar, S. A., Franz, M. R., Brock, R. L., & DiLillo, D. (2020). Posttraumatic stress and parenting behaviors: The mediating role of emotion regulation. Journal of Family Violence, 35, 117–426. 

*McConnell, A. A., Messman-Moore, T. L., Gratz, K. L., & DiLillo, D. (2020). Beyond the force-substance dichotomy: Examining the experience of combined and incapacitated type rapes and their relation to PTSD symptoms. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35, 5853 –5876.